February 22 2012

It has been so busy today. I have made photos of Foster Grandma Maxine Romm and a National Guard member’s funeral. I am really enjoying being on Staff at the Missourian. It can be stressful and frustrating at times but so worth it. I am learning so much already about camera types, lenses and different multimedia tips.

GOAL OF THE SEMESTER: Become an expert on multimedia or at least really good at knowing how to produce one. HA!

I think that the biggest lesson thus far has been that as a journalist I need to be on my ball and know what is going on around town. I need to be talking to people and make sure that I know what is going on that could possibly be news.

I am really interested in full frame cameras. I feel like they give great crisp images that Nick Argo,  Grant Hindsley and Megan May produce. I love their photography and their sense of perception.

MY PLAN: Shoot Boone Life Saturday night at the the Ashland American Legion Hall. I pray everything works out according to plan.

Right now I am in Electronic Photojournalism which is proving to be much more work than I had expected but I am excited to uncover a community topic in Columbia and progress farther with my HTML knowledge.

I am learning so much and I am loving life.

Mom and April were in town this past weekend and we went to POYi and watched Sports Action judging. They loved it and out of 533 images we all chose a favorite. It was great because all three of our images made top six final images to be awarded. Pretty cool!

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