There is a new spirit to my home and it is so lovely. I don’t know what it is but I feel motivated, loved and blessed to have Emily Becton as my new roommate. I know I have her to myself tonight but tomorrow morning Sam Riggs is moving in. I don’t know her and I am not very good with change but I know God will bless this new rooming situation. I have a feeling that our household is going to bring people closer to one another. I say this because tonight I had some living going on in my living room. We made delicious shredded pork tenderloin and people came over and there was great conversation. 

  It is nights like these that make me excited to be a disciple of Jesus and to give my all to the kingdom and to really serve God in all aspects of life.

  I may not like it but I think it is a time for a change. Robin and Vince Hawkins put it perfectly this summer. No matter who you are someone is watching and if you are not leading you are following, and sometimes you are leading someone you don’t even see and following someone you don’t even understand but need to trust. I want to be a leader and it needs to start with how I lead my life with God while following him till death do us meet, point blank period. 

It has been a great night and I am thankful.

Keep Calm and Carry On

Colleen DeAnna

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